Yogipilates: the perfect combination
Flexibility or strength? Breathing or muscles? For those who do not want to choose, the American Jonathan Urla has created Yogilates, the new method to find body awareness. The Urla system, which is slowly spreading in Spain, strengthens the abdominal core (the Pilates base) as an important support for yoga practices, and yoga stretching and warm-ups help with Pilates exercises.

Gaining flexibility of movement, eliminating possible injuries due to having performed a posture without a previous warm-up, concentrating on the present thanks to correct breathing and achieving the long-awaited body awareness are some of the gains obtained in Yogilates.
Rentalmare offers you private outdoor Yogipilates classes, on your terrace, in the garden area or on the beach.

For the more adventurous, we have the option of classes in the sea, on professional paddlesurf boards. Book your private class or let us know if you want to organize a group class through the following form.